

Pairing Challenge

Beer or Wine – The Perfect Thanksgiving Pairing

As a foodie and an admirer of both craft beer and fine wines, I often wonder what the perfect food pairing is.  What follows is a monthly debate on just that.  Once a month I’ll toss out a food for pairing suggestions from my fellow beer geeks and wine nerds.  Some dishes will come with a convention that popular opinion dictates a specific pairing.  Other posts will present a dish that is…

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Cooking, Food

Italian Thanksgiving Traditions

I’m a quarter Italian.  I wish I was more.  It’s a goal I have always strived for but will never been able to achieve.  I would even settle for one of those cool Italian last names that many of my high school classmates had like Gatta, Salvatore, or Vigorito.  At least then I would appear full-blooded to others.  But no, I have a Welsh last name instead.  I can’t even fake Italian….

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