

Travel, Travel Tips

Helpful Hints on How To Pack Souvenirs

If you remember from last week’s post 9 Ideas for Food Travel Souvenirs, our haul from Italy was quite large – 12 bottles of wine, 3 half wheels of cheese, 3 bottles of grappa, and 1 bottle of lemoncello.  Bringing all of those items home plus an acquired t-shirt and sweatshirt was not easy.  Heck, with airline luggage checking fees, overweight baggage penalties, high shipping costs, customs restrictions, and theft risks, bringing…

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Travel, Travel Tips

9 Ideas for Food Travel Souvenirs

Our souvenir haul from Italy was huge and it was all food! It included a case of wine, three bottles of grappa, a bottle of lemoncello, and three half wheels of cheese.  That may sound strange to you, but we’re foodies so our souvenirs tend to fall into the food and drink category.  Our trip to Bavaria yielded four ceramic beer mugs and a bottle of Sporer schnapps.  Thailand, a dinner table…

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