
budget travel

Travel, Travel Budgeting, Travel Tips

Want to Save Money to Travel? Then Stay Away from Starbucks!!!

Or any other coffee shop for that matter.  Friends constantly complain to me that they don’t have money to travel, dine out at nice restaurants, or pursue other dreams and hobbies.  And yet, these same friends often check-in daily on Facebook to Starbucks, Caribou, or name your neighborhood coffee shop. “Getting my morning pick-me-up!” Wow!  What an incredible waste of money! I’m not hating on coffee shops or the entrepreneurs that run…

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Travel, Travel Budgeting, Travel Tips

Would You Rather Travel or Drive a Cadillac?

I think you know my answer.  I’d rather travel.  I’d rather have the month of August off than just two weeks.  I negate Cadillac’s notion that the rest of the world is lazy because they take the month of August off when we, as proud overworked and overwhelmed Americans, only take two weeks off.  Like most Americans, I receive around three weeks of PTO a year.  Let me repeat.  Three.  Weeks.  A…

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